2-4 , 60 , |
| Stefan Feld |
| Lalanda Hruschka |
| alea |
| 2019-10-12 |
| Bart De Cock (be_com4) |
Boardgamegeek | 245934 |
| 2,51/5 |
Note that the implementation is based on the 2nd version which uses slightly different rules. The English rules have been adapted based on the German ones.
The main change is that movement in the circle goes around and not across - this is not reflected in the video above.
If you are reading these rules for the first time, ignore the text along the right hand side. These rules serve as a summary to help you quickly familiarize yourself with the game.
→ summary only
→ detailed version only
→ both summary and detailed version
See rules on BGG

Carpe Diem
Rome, 1 B.C. As influential patricians, you set out to improve your city districts.
Profitable buildings and beautiful landscapes will make sure your part of the
city will prosper.
While you do, make sure to adhere to the motto of "carpe diem". Seize the
day by harvesting grapes and catching fish, then sell these wares on the
market to make money. Build proper dwellings for your servants and they
will be more diligent and more productive. And don’t forget your own villa! It
will gain you a lot of prestige.
Turn by turn you will try to get various building tiles to add to your district,
and build more and more buildings and landscapes. Over four scoring periods
your accomplishments will be turned into victory points.
The player with the most victory points at the end of the game is the winner.
1 game board
84 building tiles (light green backs)
39 building tiles (dark green backs)
16 frame parts
24 gold coins
18 bread tokens
36 banderoles
1 starting player token ("hand")
4 building boards
4 overview boards
60 scoring cards
24 fountain cards
66 victory point cards (1, 3, 5, 10, 25 points)
4 meeples (1 "patrician" in each player color)
20 discs (5 in each player color)
20 wares (5 grapes, 5 herbs, 5 chicken, 5 fish)
Set up game boards and building boards
Prepare the scoring cards
according to player numbers
and place them face up on the
game board:
2 players 8 cards (2x A + 2x B + 2x C + 2x D)
3 players 10 cards (2x A + 3x B + 2x C + 3x D)
4 players 12 cards (3x A + 3x B + 2x C + 4x D)
Place 1 meeple in player order
on unoccupied semi-circular space on game board.
Only after that the building tiles will be turned over.
Beginning with starting player
distribute victory points
2 players: 8 and 9
3 players: 8, 9 and 13
4 players: 8,9,10 and 11
Place the game board in the center of the table.
Distribute to each player:
4 random frame parts – Assemble them piece by piece in random order
into a square frame and place them in front of you.
1 random building board – Place it in the frame so that the shovel in the
center is rotated toward you. This is your "city district". Your goal is to
build on it in a way that gains you the most victory points.
9 banderoles – Distribute them on the nine banderole spaces on your
building board.
1 overview board – Place it next to your district. This serves as quick
reference for the main game rules and as storage for game materials.
1 meeple ("patrician") in a color of your choice. Place it on any of the
seven semi-circular spaces in the center of the game board that is
5 wooden discs in the color of your meeple. Put them on your storage
space for now.
Separate the 60 scoring cards into piles according to their backs, shuffle
them, and put them next to the game board in four face down piles. Take
a number of cards from each pile, depending on the number of players:
2 players 8 cards (2x A + 2x B + 2x C + 2x D)
3 players 10 cards (2x A + 3x B + 2x C + 3x D)
4 players 12 cards (3x A + 3x B + 2x C + 4x D)
These 8, 10 or 12 cards (for 2, 3 or 4 players) are shuffled thoroughly and
placed one by one face up on the card spaces on the left side of the game
board. In a 2-player game, don’t place any cards on the corner spaces. In
a 3-player game, 2 opposing corner spaces stay empty. In a 4-player game,
all 12 spaces are used. Return the remaining scoring cards to the box, they won’t be used this
Shuffle the 24 fountain cards and place them in a face down
pile next to the game board.
Sort the 66 victory point cards into five piles according
to their point value.
These points may be kept secret so the game stays interesting until the end.
On Yucata victory points are always shown openly.
Separate the light and dark green building tiles, shuffle them and place
them in face down piles next to the game board.
Place four randomly selected light green building tiles on each large square
blueprint tile space on the game board (= a total of 28 tiles). Turn them all
face up.
Place one randomly selected dark green building tile on each
of the 11 square seal spaces on the bottom margin of the game board.
Turn them all face up.
Place the 20 wares (5 each of grapes, herbs, fish, and chicken) as well as
all coins and bread tokens next to the game board.
The player who was born farthest from 1 B.C. gets the
starting player token. They put one of their 5 discs on the
0 space of the banderole bar in the top margin of the game
board. The other players follow in clockwise order and place
their discs on top of the others.
On Yucata the starting player is chosen randomly.
In addition, the starting player gets victory point cards with a total value
of 8. In the 2-player game, the other player gets 9 victory points. In the
4-player game, the other players in turn order get 9, 10, and 11
victory points.
Attention: The 3-player game is special: The starting player gets 8 victory
points, the next player 9, and the third player gets 13 victory points!
The game consists of 4 phases of 7 rounds
At the end of each phase:
Scoring occurs
The current player must place
their meeple on either of
the two adjacent spaces and
select a tile from next to it to
integrate into their district
If there are no more building
tiles left, they must continue
moving in the same direction
2 players: Always remove the final 2 tiles
3 players: Always remove the final tile
The game consists of four phases of seven rounds each.
After each phase there is a scoring period. After the fourth scoring period,
there is a final scoring period. This ends the game, and the player with the
most victory points is the winner.
The starting player starts with their turn, then the other players follow in turn
order. Once the last player has completed their turn, the current round ends.
After exactly 7 rounds all 28 building tiles have been picked, and the phase
Each turn, the current player moves their meeple onto one of the directly adjacent
semi-circular spaces. They pick one of the building tiles located on the
adjacent blueprint space and immediately integrate it into their district
(see "Building Rules").
At the beginning of their next turn, the player again moves from their current space
to one of the two adjacent spaces, and so on.
In addition, the following rules apply:
- Meeples may move onto a space that is already occupied.
Meeples must be moved every turn, they cannot stay where they are.
(Exception: see "Baker".)
After moving, the current player must select a tile. If they do not want to
or cannot integrate that tile into their district, they place it face down on
the storage space on their overview board, where it stays until the end of
the game.
If – after a few rounds – a player moves onto a semi-circular space without
a building tile next to it, they immediately move again in the same direction until their meeple
moves onto a space with at least one tile next to it. Each of these extra
moves must follow the movement rules.
Attention! Important for the 2- and 3-player games:
In the 2-player game, the two remaining building tiles are removed from
a space as soon as the second tile has been picked. In the 3-player game,
the last remaining building tile is removed from a space as soon as the
penultimate tile has been picked. Return the removed tiles to the box, they
won’t be used for the remainder of the game.
Players move their meeple for exactly seven rounds until all building tiles
have been picked (or removed) from the game board and the first phase
ends, followed by the first scoring period (see "Scoring").
First tile on the shovel space
All subsequent tiles are placed
adjacent to matching tiles
When placing a tile on a
banderole space: Move
1 space on banderole bar
The first tile selected by a player must be placed on the shovel space. All subsequent
tiles must be placed adjacent (not diagonally!) to a tile that is already
on the building board. The frame does not count as a tile!
Tiles must be placed in a way that all its sides match each adjacent tile. There
is no "top" or "bottom", you may rotate it as you like.
"Matching" means that every adjacent side to each other must match. Pond
must touch pond, grass must touch grass, villa must touch villa, yellow dwelling
must touch yellow dwelling, etc. Non-matching combinations are not
allowed! The frame counts as ‘grass’, i.e. you may only put tiles with a grass
side adjacent to a frame piece.
If a player places a building tile on a space with a banderole, they first remove
the banderole completely from the game, then move their disc one space on
the banderole bar. If that space is already occupied, they place their disc on
top of the other disc(s).
In most cases, whenever a player completes a building or a landscape, they
immediately get a reward. In addition, completed buildings and landscapes
help during scoring and may gain additional victory points during the final
scoring period at the end of the game (more info can be found on the overview
can be any size
help during scoring
when completed, gain victory
points at the end of the game
…can be any size. A completed villa consists of at
least two adjacent tiles, where none of those tiles
have an "opening". Completing a villa doesn’t
grant a reward, but completed villas gain victory
points at the end of the game (see
of the Game"
). Players may own multiple complete and incomplete villas.
- consist of 2-4 tiles
- are rewarded with grapes, herbs, chicken, and fish (number of tiles minus 1!)
- may help during scoring
A completed landscape consists of 2-4 tiles of the same type. Whenever a
player completes a landscape, they are immediately rewarded with a one
time bonus of wares from the supply. The bonus is always the
number of
used tiles minus 1
. Place the wares on your storage space. A player may own
multiple complete and incomplete landscapes of any type and size.
Depending on the type of landscape, the player gets:
From a Chicken Run: Chickens
- consist of 2 tiles
- may help during scoring
- grant the following rewards:
A dwelling always consists of exactly two halves of the same color. A player
may own multiple complete and incomplete dwellings of any type.
Whenever a player completes a dwelling, that player immediately receives a
one-time bonus, depending on the roof color:
Wares = Coins + 1
Coins = wildcards for wares
The player returns all their wares (fish, herbs,
etc.) to the supply and gets that many
coins plus 1
additional coin
from the supply. They place them
on their storage space. If that player doesn’t own
any wares to trade in, they just get the additional
coin from the supply.
Example: Nick trades in 1 fish, 1 chicken, and 2 grapes and receives 5 coins.
During scoring, coins can be used as wildcards to replace any ware (fish, herb,
etc.) (see "The Scoring Cards").
+ 2 bread tokens
Hand in 1 bread = move
meeple to any space
Hand in 3 bread =
fulfill one scoring
card requirement
The player takes 2 bread tokens from the supply
and puts them on their storage space.
Bread can be used for two different purposes:
1.) At the beginning of a player’s turn, they may pay one bread token into the
supply to move their meeple against the rules to any space (or remain where
they are!) and pick a tile from there.
2.) During scoring, a player may pay three bread tokens to fulfill the requirements
of one of the two adjacent scoring cards. That player receives the
rewards of that card without meeting the actual requirements shown on
the card. This is true for the "green" requirements (where you need to own
something) as well as the "red" ones (where you have to pay something).
(More info at "The Scoring Cards".)
Note: If a player receives bread as a reward and then owns 3 bread, they may
immediately use them during the same scoring period.

+ 2 spaces
The player moves their disc two spaces on the
banderole bar. If that space is occupied, put the
disc on top.
Note: In the rare case you reach the end of the banderole bar and may take another step,
you put your disc on top and take 1 victory point for each excess step.

+ 1 building tile
The player selects any one of the building tiles
on the bottom margin of the game board and
immediately integrates it into their district,
following the building rules. If that tile completes
anything, they are rewarded accordingly. If they
complete another craftsman dwelling, they select another tile, etc.
The building tiles on the bottom margin are not replaced with new tiles.
The Markets / Bakeries / Fountains ...
- always consist of 1 tile
- grant the following rewards:
Markets always consist of the single tile they are depicted on. The same
applies to bakeries and fountains. They are always surrounded by grass, so
they can only be placed adjacent to other grass.
+ 1 coin

+ 1 bread token
When you place a bakery, you are rewarded one bread from
the supply. Place it on your storage space.
More information about using bread can be found in
and "The Scoring Cards".

+ 1 Fountain card
When you place a fountain, look at the top two cards of the
face down fountain card pile. Pick one of them and place it
face down next to your storage space. Put the other card face
down under the fountain card pile.
Attention: For each subsequent fountain you place during this
game, you may keep both cards and return a card from an earlier
fountain to the bottom of the fountain card pile.
Note: For the unlikely case that there aren’t enough tokens for wares, bread, or
coins, simply use other materials instead.
Players score in order of banderole bar progress.
The scoring player must place
one of their discs on an
circle space
, triggering the
two adjacent scoring cards.
After each player has completed their 7 turns, all 28 building tiles have been
used up. The phase ends by scoring this round:
The player who has progressed
furthest on the banderole bar begins. If there is a tie, the player on top
If it’s your turn to score, place one of your discs on an empty circle space to
trigger both adjacent scoring cards (see below for details). After each
player has placed one disc and triggered both cards, scoring ends and the
next phase is prepared (see "Subsequent Phases").
The scoring discs stay where they are, i.e. these spaces can’t be used during
subsequent scoring periods. Only the current disc triggers scoring of adjacent
cards. Discs from previous scoring periods do not trigger, they just block
that particular space.
Note: You always have one more space available than necessary for the number
of players (9 spaces for 2 players, 13 spaces for 3 players, and 17 spaces for 4
There are two types of scoring cards:
cards with green background (you need to own what is shown)
cards with red background (pay what is shown)
There are four types of cards: A, B, C, and D (quantities depend on number of players)
There are two types of scoring cards:
For cards with green background, you must own whatever is
shown in the top half of the card (e.g. three completed dwellings,
or 2 villa chimneys, or . . .) to receive the rewards shown in the
bottom half.
For cards with red background, you must pay the wares shown
in the top half (or the same number of coins) to get the rewards.
The following applies to both types: If a player owns (or pays) multiples of
whatever is shown on the card, they also receive the shown rewards that
often (see examples below).
In addition, there are four types of cards: A, B, C, and D. They are preselected
depending on the number of players (according to their backside)
and then distributed randomly.
A and B Cards
These cards require you to pay a specific quantity of the same (A cards) or
different wares (B cards).
Any wares can be replaced by coins.
Pay 2 (4, 6, …)
herbs and/or coins
(or 3 bread) to get
4 (8, 12, …)
victory points.
These cards require you to pay a specific quantity of the same (A cards) or
different wares (B cards).
Any wares can be replaced by coins.
C Cards
C cards are affected by your villas.
Points are given for chimneys (also in incomplete villas)
or for completed villas.
For 2 (4, 6, …) chimneys (or 3 bread) you get 1 (2, 3, …) bread tokens.
These cards are affected by your villas.
Some have you count the total number of chimneys in your district. Every
chimney counts, no matter if the villas are completed or not.
Other are only affected by completed villas (independent of their size!).
Incomplete villas are ignored.
D Cards
D cards are affected by your landscapes, dwellings, as well as markets,
bakeries, and fountains.
For 1 (2, 3, …) completed merchant dwellings (or 3 bread) you get 3 (6, 9, …) victory points.
These cards are affected by your landscapes, dwellings, as well as markets,
bakeries, and fountains.
If a player cannot meet the requirements on a scoring card, they lose 4 victory points!
Important! If a player can’t fully meet the requirements of a scoring card,
they don’t get any victory points at all and instead lose 4 victory points.That
means that a player might lose up to 8 victory points during a scoring period!
Example: For one of her scoring cards, Sophie needs to pay 3 herbs, but she
only owns 2. She neither owns coins nor 3 bread tokens. She keeps the 2
herbs, and instead of gaining 7 victory points, she loses 4 victory points.
Each player decides the order in which they fulfill their two scoring cards.
Sometimes it is possible to fulfill the second scoring card with the rewards
from fulfilling the first.
A complete list and description of scoring cards you can find in the
For the next three phases
distribute 28 tiles each
In the fourth phase use the
dark green tiles
Next player becomes starting
Subsequent Phases follow the same pattern:
In the second and third phases, distribute 28 light green building tiles
on the seven blueprint spaces of the game board. In the fourth phase,
distribute the remaining 28 dark green building tiles.
Note: As opposed to the light tiles, the dark tiles always only show exactly
one thing.
Pass the starting player token to the left.
Scoring cards and banderole discs as well as meeples stay where they are.
After the fourth scoring
period there is a final
scoring period:
The game ends after scoring the fourth phase, followed by the final scoring.
For the final scoring period, follow the dark grey list on your overview boards:
Completed villas: victory points for chimneys
Count the chimneys in each of your completed villas and take the listed
victory points. Incomplete villas and their chimneys are ignored.
Example: Nick has a completed villa with 3 chimneys and two completed villas
with 5 chimneys each. He also owns two incomplete villas with 4 chimneys
each: He receives 3+7+7+0+0=17 victory points.
Remaining items
Victory points for remaining
items divided by 2
Divide the number of remaining items on your storage space (wares, coins,
bread tokens, and building tiles) by 2. You gain that many victory points,
rounded down.
Banderole bar
Victory points for position on banderole bar
You gain as many victory points as shown on the banderole bar space with
your disc.
Fountain cards
Fountain cards: victory points depending on achievements
For each completed garden in your district, you get 2 victory points.
Reveal your fountain cards. You gain that many victory points depending on
your achievements. If you have both fountain cards of the same type, you get
victory points for both of them.
You can find an overview over all fountain cards in the
Frame: victory points
depending on achievements
Each player has two goals on each of their 4 frame parts. Frame achievements
work as follows: Draw an imaginary line starting at the golden arrow that
shows a building or landscape type. That line must intersect with at least
one completed building or landscape of that type.
Incomplete or additional
matching buildings or landscapes do not count.
This player achieved the "baker dwelling" goal (1x 4 victory points) and the
"villa" goal (1x 3 victory points), but not the "pond" and the "garden" goal.
On Yucata the points for Banderole bar and Frame achievements are already added to running score during the game.
Also the points for chimneys of finished villas get added as soon as a villa is finished.
The player with the most victory points is the winner.
If victory points are a tie, the player further behind on the banderole bar wins.
The player with the most victory points is the winner.
If multiple players are
tied for most victory points, the player among them who is
last on the banderole
bar wins
the game.
For any 3 (6, 9, ...)
completed Dwellings
in your quarter you
move 1 (2, 3, ...) spaces on the banderole bar and get 1 (2, 3, ...) Breads.
For any 3 (6, 9, ...)
completed Dwellings
in your quarter you get
1 (2, 3, ...) Coins
1 (2, 3, ...) Breads.
For any 3 (6, 9, ...)
completed Dwellings
in your quarter you get
1 (2, 3, ...) Coins
move 1 (2, 3, ...) spaces on the banderole bar.
For any 3 (6, 9, ...)
completed Dwellings
in your quarter you get
5 (10, 15, ...) victory points.
For any 1 (2, 3, ...)
completed Administrator Dwellings
in your quarter you get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
For any 1 (2, 3, ...)
completed Craftsman Dwellings
in your quarter you get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
For any 1 (2, 3, ...)
completed Merchant Dwellings
in your quarter you get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
For any 1 (2, 3, ...)
completed Baker Dwellings
in your quarter you get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
For any 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 completed Merchant Dwelling and 1 completed Baker Dwelling
in your quarter you get
7 (14, 21, ...) victory points.
For any 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 completed Administrator Dwelling and 1 completed Craftsman Dwelling
in your quarter you get
7 (14, 21, ...) victory points.
For 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 completed Vineyard and 1 completed Chicken Run
in your quarter you get
7 (14, 21, ...) victory points.
For 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 completed Garden and 1 completed Pond
in your quarter you get
7 (14, 21, ...) victory points.
For any 3 (6, 9, ...)
completed Landscapes
in your quarter you get
5 (10, 15, ...) victory points.
For any 3 (6, 9, ...)
completed Landscapes
in your quarter you move
1 (2, 3, ...) spaces on the banderole bar and get 1 (2, 3, ...) Breads.
For any 3 (6, 9, ...)
completed Landscapes
in your quarter you get
1 (2, 3, ...) Coins and 1 (2, 3, ...) Breads.
For any 3 (6, 9, ...)
completed Landscapes
in your quarter you get
1 (2, 3, ...) Coins and move 1 (2, 3, ...) spaces on the banderole bar.
For 1 (2, 3, ...)
completed Ponds
in your quarter you get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
For 1 (2, 3, ...)
completed Chicken Runs
in your quarter you get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
For 1 (2, 3, ...)
completed Vineyards
in your quarter you get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
For 1 (2, 3, ...)
completed Gardens
in your quarter you get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
For 1 (2, 3, ...)
in your quarter you get
1 (2, 3, ...) victory points.
For 1 (2, 3, ...)
in your quarter you get
1 (2, 3, ...) victory points.
For 1 (2, 3, ...)
in your quarter you get
1 (2, 3, ...) victory points.
For 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 Bakery, 1 Market and 1 Fountain
in your quarter you get
5 (10, 15, ...) victory points.
For 2 (4, 6, ...)
in your quarter you get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
For 2 (4, 6, ...)
in your quarter you get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
For 2 (4, 6, ...)
in your quarter you get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
For 3 (6, 9, ...)
in your quarter you move
1 (2, 3, ...) spaces on the banderole bar and get 1 (2, 3, ...) Breads.
For 3 (6, 9, ...)
in your quarter you get
1 (2, 3, ...) Coins and move 1 (2, 3, ...) spaces on the banderole bar.
For 3 (6, 9, ...)
in your quarter you get
1 (2, 3, ...) Coins and 1 (2, 3, ...) Breads.
For 3 (6, 9, ...)
in your quarter you get
4 (8, 12, ...) victory points.
For 2 (4, 6 ...)
in your quarter you get
1 (2, 3, ...) Breads.
For 2 (4, 6 ...)
in your quarter you get
2 (4, 6 ...) victory points.
For 2 (4, 6 ...)
in your quarter you get
1 (2, 3, ...) Coins.
For 1 (2, 3, ...)
completed Villas
in your quarter you get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
For 2 (4, 6 ...)
completed Villas
in your quarter you get
1 (2, 3, ...) set(s) consisting of 1 coin, 1 space to move on the banderole bar and 1 Bread.
For 2 (4, 6 ...)
in your quarter you get
1 (2, 3, ...) spaces on the banderole bar.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 Herbs and 1 Grapes
to get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 Herbs and 1 Fish
to get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 Herbs and 1 Chicken
to get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 Grapes and 1 Fish
to get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 Grapes and 1 Chicken
to get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 Fish and 1 Chicken
to get
3 (6, 9, ...) victory points.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of all 4 wares
to get
8 (16, 24, ...) victory points.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 Grapes, 1 Herbs and 1 Fish
to get
5 (10, 15, ...) victory points.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 Grapes, 1 Chicken and 1 Herbs
to get
5 (10, 15, ...) victory points.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 Grapes, 1 Chicken and 1 Fish
to get
5 (10, 15, ...) victory points.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
set(s) consisting of 1 Herbs, 1 Chicken and 1 Fish
to get
5 (10, 15, ...) victory points.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
to get
1 (2, 3, ...) victory points.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
to get
1 (2, 3, ...) victory points.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
to get
1 (2, 3, ...) victory points.
Pay 1 (2, 3, ...)
to get
1 (2, 3, ...) victory points.
Pay 2 (4, 6, ...)
to get
4 (8, 12, ...) victory points.
Pay 2 (4, 6, ...)
to get
4 (8, 12, ...) victory points.
Pay 2 (4, 6, ...)
to get
4 (8, 12, ...) victory points.
Pay 2 (4, 6, ...)
to get
4 (8, 12, ...) victory points.
Pay 3 (6, 9, ...)
to get
7 (14, 21, ...) victory points.
Pay 3 (6, 9, ...)
to get
7 (14, 21, ...) victory points.
Pay 3 (6, 9, ...)
to get
7 (14, 21, ...) victory points.
Pay 3 (6, 9, ...)
to get
7 (14, 21, ...) victory points.
For every completed Administrator Dwelling in your quarter you get 2 victory points.
For every completed Craftsman Dwelling in your quarter you get 2 victory points.
For every completed Merchant Dwelling in your quarter you get 2 victory points.
For every completed Baker Dwelling in your quarter you get 2 victory points.
For every completed Garden (no matter which size) in your quarter you get 2 victory points.
For every completed Vineyard (no matter which size) in your quarter you get 2 victory points.
For every completed Chicken Run (no matter which size) in your quarter you get 2 victory points.
For every completed Pond (no matter which size) in your quarter you get 2 victory points.
For every Bakery in your quarter you get 2 victory points.
For every Market in your quarter you get 2 victory points.
For every Fountain in your quarter you get 2 victory points.
For every completed Villa in your quarter (no matter which size) you get 2 victory points.
For every complete set of two discarded tiles,
bread, gold, or wares (fish, herbs, chickens, grapes)
left over at the end of the game; a player will gain
a single victory point. For example, if a player has 3 items left over
(1 bread, 1 fish, 1 chicken) they will only gain a single victory point.
These points are calculated at the end of the game, they are not estimated in
a player’s running total.
For each position a player has advanced on the banderole bar,
they gain a victory point and it is added to the running total.
For each perimeter marker that has the corresponding feature
(dwelling, villa, or landscape) completed; victory points will
be awarded. For more information, see the section on Frame achievements.
As soon as a player achieves a frame goal the corresponding victory points
will be shown in their running total.
For each fountain card, a player gains the corresponding points
(see the appendix for details of the individual
Fountain Cards).
These points are calculated at the end of the game. They are not
reflected in the running total in order to keep the details of which
fountain card a player has placed secret.
For each completed villa, a player will gain victory points
as shown in the graphic with the number of chimneys (above) corresponding
to the victory points (below). For example, if a player completes a sprawling
villa with 14 chimneys, they will gain 26 victory points. As soon as a villa
is completed the points are added to a player’s running total.
 If you do not want to or cannot integrate the tile into your district, place it face down on the storage space by clicking the red cross in the upper left corner of your district.
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